Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Katakana in HK

As you seen in this photo, this produce not only use kanji, but also the katakana!!! Usually, katakana is used while people needs to transcribe the foreign loan words or it is used to emphasize the meanings, then it would use katakana instead of hiragana. Although both of them are syllabaries.

You may ask why the producer put Japanese on the produce which is selling in Hong Kong. It is because it raise the image of the produse since Japanese cosmestic produces are famous in the world. After adding those words, customers may feel more confident about the quality of it, more willing to it instead of others brand names.


  1. Good analysis of Japanese products!!!
    ヒアルロン is written as katakana because I guess it is the name of some scientific products.

    It is amazing to see it is written in both kanji (difficult kanji) and hiragana, katakana.

  2. Yup! "Japanese makes things better" XDD
    It makes the customer feel more confident on the product, since I also treat products in this way Haha~

  3. I found that "ヒアルロン" should come from the word "ヒアルロン酸" which is a chemical (as Seo sensei said)
    The cosmetic product may be made of that chemical...

